- (1 follow link)
- Post written by you must adhere to our guidelines below and be non-promotional and tailored to our audience.
- Minimum Length: 750 words
- All content needs to be informational to our website visitors
- Easy to read content; break up large blocks of text and use subheadings and lists where appropriate
- Needs to have 1-2 authority links in addition to your follow link
- Please include 1-2 copyright and royalty-free images to use
- Self-promotional articles
- Posts with too many links, keep it around 3
- Duplicate or Repetitive content: if it’s a topic we’ve already covered, you must have a fresh angle or new information to add for our audience
- Before submitting a full post, please send us a working title and a short outline of what you plan to cover (a few bullet points, plus the major takeaway)
- If you already have the article written for approval, please send it